registration form


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example Entry form season 2018/2019

This form will be sent to you if you register above

Name student:
Details of the person who pays the tuition:
Zipcode and city
Phone number:

Teaching method: (please tick as appropriate.)
o Individual lesson of 25 minutes € 750, -
o Individual lesson of 30 minutes € 900, -
o Duo-lesson first and second year of 40 minutes € 630, -
o Individual lesson from 21 years of 25 minutes € 892.50
o Individual lessons from 21 years of 25 minutes every other week (19 lessons) € 450, -
o Five minutes extra € 150, -
o You use the offer for new students. Until Christmas, the lessons can be terminated per month and you pay in monthly installments.
o You want to be eligible for hire purchase and fill in the enclosed form.

Payment method:
o Payment in one installment. You will receive a bill in September.
o Payment in two installments. You will receive a bill in September and February.
o In ten monthly installments. Payment is made by means of an automatic payment order. The tuition fee must then be in my account before the first of the new month.
The amount due can be transferred to IBAN NL 60 KNAB 0764 4367 16 in the name of Guitar lessons in Soest. stating the name of the student and the month in question.

The undersigned declares to agree with the general terms and conditions.


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